Don’t mess with the tide at Mersea

1978 January - December

Created by Marianne 3 years ago
I used to accompany Tony to his gigs in the early days and he would drop me off home in the early hours. One night in his Morris 1000 traveller on his way home the tide was over the Strood. It happened to be a very high spring tide that night and was over for much longer than had been anticipated. For some reason Tony managed to steer into the kerb and couldn’t get the car moving again as the water rose. Luckily he was rescued  by a stranger and spent the night on the good Samaritans floor. Next morning on my way to work by bus I saw this poor Morris 1000 traveller with seaweed up over the dash stuck there, obviously having been flooded. Everyone was looking and commenting about the car. I was horrified as it dawned on me it was Tony's. When I arrived at work I asked after him only to be told he hadn’t turned up and no one had heard from him.  He didn’t have a phone at home so a near neighbour was contacted. It was indeed Tony’s car. He had a long walk home and then slept in before going to rescue his car. He arrived at work very late in the day. His colleagues were concerned about him as it was unlike Tony not to show up or make contact with the office.  After the incident Tony and his dad worked on the car, restoring the engine, brakes, bodywork etc until it was fully drivable and quite honestly working better than it had done for years. Then one day about 4 months after its unfortunate clash with the tide Tony put it into a ditch and the poor thing was a write off.